According to the Charleston Daily Courier dated August 21, 1846, the Mary Anna schooner would be at the N.Y. Steam Packet wharf and had 75 tons of red ash coal, broken and screened for family use. The coal would be available that day and the following day. Also, notice was given that the schooner, captained by Capt. Shanklin was now available to receive freight.
Then on September 26, 1846, The Times-Picayune of New Orleans reported the ship St. Mary which was captained by Capt. Forester arrived in New Orleans from New York. The captain reported that they picked up at sea, 35°16 N', 73° 30'E, the captain and crew of the Mary Anna of Philadelphia which had left Charleston and was headed to Philadelphia with a cargo of lumber when the ship was dismasted in a gale and abandoned on the 8th of September off of Cape Hatteras.
The location where the crew of Mary Anna were picked up.
Captain Shanklin of the Mary Anna reported that on the 11th of September, 1846 he saw a New York brig, name unknown, with her masts gone by the deck. The following day he spoke that the schooner Angeline R. Thompson, which he reported seeing the day before, was now bottom upward.
The St. Mary also brought to New Orleans, John Valentine, one of the crew of the brig Helen McLeod. Apparently, Valentine on September 11, with the brig half full of water, jumped overboard and swam to the hull of the schooner, Mary Anna. On September 12th, the Helen McLeod remained near the Mary Anna. However, shortly after a violent storm of wind and rain set in, and after the storm had cleared the Helen McLeod was gone. Supposedly with the captain and crew, eleven in number, four ladies in the cabin and four in the steerage. However, Captain Shanklin of the Mary Anna was of the opinion that the crew and passengers may have been rescued due to his seeing numerous sails within sight.
So it appears the Mary Anna was successful in its advertisement to carry freight, it was unfortunate that it never completed the voyage.
Mary Anna Ad in Charleston Daily Courier - August 21, 1846